" The Golden Link to Oneness; a practical guide on your path to enlightenment. -The Golden Link to Oneness is a beautifully written book on helping to find the link to spiritual awakening. It gives practical advice, “ tools “and contemplations at the end of each chapter to guide and link you to the divine nature within yourself. This book will open your eyes to the beauty within and around you. It will help to empower you to stay tuned in to your self awareness and spiritual self care and to guide your alignment to a divine source in everyday situations and circumstances. After reading this book, I felt that it is in our nature to want to have a connection to the divine, we just tend to forget and not make this
a priority. It’s good to read words like these in L.M. Blanchard's book many times to help them become part of the fibre of our being to help us stay tuned to who we really are. His writing comes from a place of loving kindness and compassion and his personal Golden link to the Oneness is an inspiration.
I also highly recommend “ The Golden Link to Oneness Guided meditation CD “. His kind voice and visualization practice will make you feel like you are in the Oneness university yourself in a vast expansive space welcomed by your own spiritual guide. A lovely way to “empty” your mind and feel free." - Monika, Perth, Ontario, Canada
"Great author is born! - This book is well written, and will be used as a reference for years to come. We all want to know how to get to be happy and in peace, and i believe that the author gives a thorough explanation of just what to do in reaching our goal. Using his personal experiences, he shows us a way to rid ourselves of expectations, illusions, and hardships, and shows us how to "be" and become "one" with that inner sanctum. A must read!" - Amazon Review
"An amazing guide through our inner self -This book is really well written and it is a must - have companion for those who want to go down the path of inner awareness and enlightenment. The author shares his experience in a humble and clear way and the familiar tone of his writing gently escorts the readers into a world of introspective, self-discovery and perspective evolution which are both unexpected and amazing." - Simona, Italy
"A clearer perspective - In this book, The Golden Link to Oneness, L.M. Blanchard brings in a perspective of Oneness and the Divine that I had not yet allowed myself to see. His gentle teaching methods, have allowed me to integrate the information at a pace I am comfortable with, and to reflect on myself without judgment. Whether you have been on this journey for a while, or are just starting out, this book will help you to discover the Divinity of which we are all part, the Oneness of all." - Suzane, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
"Food for the mind - Excellent read for people looking to reconnect with their spiritual side. The pages are filled with words of wisdom conveyed through anecdotes and allegories that are equally interesting and substantial." - Jonathan, Rockland, Ontario, Canada
"I loved this book. L. M. Blanchard captured the essence of this process. I would recommend it to anyone who would like to learn about meditation and the process to learn about finding oneself" - Skapac, U.S.A
"I open myself to the power and knowledge being presented - I felt I had permission to personalize and visualize God in my own terms...from that point ...moving on with my reading became more of a journey of self-reflections then just a simple read. Bravo to the author L.M. Blanchard." - Paula, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada