Part 3 - Learning Hatha Yoga
As the origins and principles of Hatha yoga were gradually explained during the philosophy classes at Shiva Shakti in Goa, India, I knew tha

Part 2 - Yoga Teacher Training Begins!
The initiation ceremony was lovely. Along with two other students, all dressed in white, a garland of flowers was placed around our necks as

Part 1- Arrival in Patnem Beach, India
Arriving at Patnem Beach, the place I'd be calling home for the next month was mixed with relief and apprehension. Relief that I've

Enhanced Living – Forgiveness Sadhana Blog Post 5 of 21
In forgiveness, the space for peace is created and in this peace, one can find everything that is needed to live a life-experience liberated

Enhanced Living – Compassion Sadhana Blog Post 4 of 21
We all do the best we can with the level of consciousness we have at any given moment in time and this level of consciousness is always in f

Enhanced Living – Non-Judgement Sadhana Blog Post 3 of 21
Judgement is one way that the mind creates discord and conflict within the human spirit. The discord and conflict becomes the medium used by

Observing Doubt - Why am I going to India? Why am I doing the yoga teacher training?
With the inner-work I've been engaged in and through my past experiences, I've come to accept doubt as a natural part of a process t

Enhanced Living – Flow Sadhana Blog Post 2 of 21
Everything around us is energy and this energy has to flow, it has to follow a path and that path is usually the one that presents the least

22 Days to go! Shiva Shakti Yoga School
The name of the school I chose to do my training with quickly drew my attention as I researched many schools and places to go from Scotland,

Enhanced Living - Gratitude Sadhana Blog Post 1 of 21
The most effective way to achieve everything you want in life is to engage in your human experience from the highest level of consciousness