Enhanced Living – Forgiveness Sadhana Blog Post 5 of 21
In forgiveness, the space for peace is created and in this peace, one can find everything that is needed to live a life-experience liberated

Enhanced Living – Compassion Sadhana Blog Post 4 of 21
We all do the best we can with the level of consciousness we have at any given moment in time and this level of consciousness is always in f

Enhanced Living – Non-Judgement Sadhana Blog Post 3 of 21
Judgement is one way that the mind creates discord and conflict within the human spirit. The discord and conflict becomes the medium used by

Enhanced Living – Flow Sadhana Blog Post 2 of 21
Everything around us is energy and this energy has to flow, it has to follow a path and that path is usually the one that presents the least

Enhanced Living - Gratitude Sadhana Blog Post 1 of 21
The most effective way to achieve everything you want in life is to engage in your human experience from the highest level of consciousness

Enhanced Living in 21 Blog Posts
There’s a practice in the East designed to give you what you seek in life and this practice can help you manifest that which you want and al